Aura Effect

Monday 29 February 2016

Celebrate Toronto at Steam Whistle Brewery

This Saturday, March 5th, marks the 3rd annual Celebrate Toronto happening at Steam Whistle Brewing’s John St. Roundhouse.
An event that has grown in popularity over the past few years, this is sure to be the biggest yet!  Marking the 182nd birthday of our great city, Celebrate Toronto gives us a chance to look back at the road we have traveled to create such a diverse and cultural community.  Working with local entertainers, artists and businesses this fun filled evening highlights our ever growing present day and unites our city as a whole, looking towards informing and inspiring others to make a positive impact.

We at Aura Effect - Illuminated Events are proud to announce our sponsorship of this years festivities along with many other amazing local organizations and entrepreneurs. 
It will be a night to remember, so make sure to get a ticket before they are all gone! Get tickets here.

Thursday 11 February 2016

The Glow Furniture Slide Show Showdown

Yesterday evening was the second growth and development meeting of February, which has become a weekly event that we all look forward to.  The environment for this creative brainstorming affair is easy going, fun and resembles that of a night out with friends.  It has proven to be a valuable approach and promotes a free exchange of ideas.

Now, although last nights gathering was suppose to involve a new glowing display idea, complete with setup, it was sidelined by Youtube and a little thing called slide show builder!  This became our main topic of discussion as we all gathered around the open laptop in the middle of the boardroom table.

What ensued was amazing.  All of us were rearranging pictures, and of course no one could agree while listening to countless stock audio options and songs.  There was a lot of banter going on as everyone felt strongly about there choice of order and accompanied sound track.

Two great things came from this, one being, our first slide show was born!  Check it out!

The second......a friendly competition.  What could have and should have been completed in half hour took way to much time!

Hence, The Slide Show Showdown!  The challenge goes like this, every member of our team is required to make a slide show of their choice.  We will then view all entries in no set order and let the voting begin.  Everyone is allowed one entry and they can not vote for their own creation. 

Prize to be determined! 
Go Luck!

Wednesday 3 February 2016

Top 5 Unique Wedding Ideas

Here is a valuable read for any upcoming Wedding Event. We are happy to have been included, along with some of the amazing and creative companies we have met along the way. Thanks so much to Robyn who has been a guiding light to our company and its growth.  Her knowledge and 22 years of experience in the Toronto event industry has truly been an asset!
Lawrence Comiskey
Event Rental Manager
Aura Effect